FAQ - this page may be periodically updated prior to underway

  • Who can attend?

    All guests must be sponsored by a Sailor or Marine attached to or embarked on the USS Abraham Lincoln unless they are being sponsored by a community organization.

    Each crew member is limited to 2 guests, and if they wish to bring more must route a special request to the ship’s Executive Officer.

    Attendance will be confirmed once a guest has registered, provided their ID # and birthday to their sponsor, paid and their release form has been verified.

  • Are there any medical limitations?

    Yes, the ship is an industrial environment with limited medical capabilities for guests on board so we ask that all those attending review the following medical screening:

    Coronary heart disease with symptoms; heart attack within the last six months; those with an implantable pacemaker or cardio-defibrillator; history of stroke within the last 12 months; poorly controlled type-2 diabetes; insulin-dependent/type-1 diabetes; epilepsy; active tuberculosis; hepatitis, chicken pox or other communicable diseases; individuals with viral respiratory infection; severe arthritis; severe asthma or restrictive airway disease; chronic lung disease requiring supplemental oxygen or requiring hospitalization/emergency room visit within the last six months; movement requiring a walker or wheel chair; casts (leg, foot, or arm cast); blindness; deafness; poorly controlled high blood pressure; use of blood thinners; any known pregnancy regardless of weeks gestation; body weight of more than 300 pounds; any ambulatory condition or limitation that presents an inability to walk up/down a stairwell without difficulty; unstable gait; younger than age eight; older than age 75.

  • Are there any other restrictions for attendance?

    All guests, regardless of military affiliation must be citizens of the United States.

    All guests must be between 8 and 75 years old.

  • What should I bring?

    Any medications you may need, including motion sickness medications or those for headaches.

    An extra pair of glasses if you require corrective lenses.


    Additional hearing protection for children or those with sensitive hearing.

    Identification and your registration.

  • What should I wear?

    Visitors are encouraged to wear long pants and wind resistant clothing.  Hats and other clothing items/accessories that may qualify as foreign object and debris (FOD) must be removed while on the flight deck during flight operations.  Shorts and very loose clothing are highly discouraged as they pose safety risks.  Footwear should be comfortable, flat-soled, and are required to be closed-toe with good traction.  Footwear worn onboard must have a back-strap on them.  High heels, skirts, and dresses are not authorized.  Tank tops, halter-tops, and strapless tops are not authorized.  Any shirts/blouses exposing midriff or rib cage are not authorized. Shirts may not authorize any substance or activity prohibited by the UCMJ.

  • What can I NOT bring?

    Vapes and all forms of e-cigarettes are NOT ALLOWED on board, even if they are not used.

    Animals, including pets AND service animals are not authorized on board.

    Drug paraphernalia, even that which is legal in the state of California, is not authorized on board.

    Weapons of any kind, including but not limited to blades or firearms are strictly prohibited on board.

    Lawn chairs, umbrellas and other bulky items are not authorized to be brought on board.